Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's Really Nice to See the Two Parties Unify in the Spirit of Cooperation with a New Administration

"I entertain by picking brains, sell my soul by dropping names, I dont like those, my God, whats that, oh its full of nasty habits when the bitch gets back"
Ann Coulter has a new book out and has been on the talk show circuit. Obama hasn't taken office yet and she's already slamming him. Fuckin' cunt. At least the Prez-elect didn't need to steal the election. I can understand how Michael Medved, Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett and even Rush Limbaugh have a following. But Coulter? Who could possibly support her? Does she have a point? Maybe in her next book she can visit with the 911 widows and rejoice with them over how rewarding it was to "enjoy" having to prepare a funeral (sans remains) for your spouse. The fucking nerve, especially since the attacks were an inside job. Perhaps she can interview Bubba and his former V.P. and call them "latent homosexual" and "fag" to their faces. If there's anyone confused with their sexuality, it's you, Ann. That's the source of your anger and the bile you spew forth. Did I call her a cunt yet? If I didn't let me do it now. What a cunt. What a fucking cunt. Emphisis on cunt. Cunt.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Jett Set

Ya know, I don't really care that the kid was left in the care of the nanny who is the superstar's limp-wristed stealth lover. It doesn't really phase me that the celebrity couple belong to this kooky pseudo religion (all religions are pseudo) that brainwashes top movie actors into thinking they don't need psychiatric medicine to treat brain disorders. It's not my cross-to-bear that the 16y.o. had autism and the parents were in denial about it and blamed it on a Japanese motorcycle desease caused by rug shampoo. I'm not really judgmental that it took a dozen hours to find the body because they were probably out partying. I don't really mind that the gene pool made the teen look like a overweight, zoned-out Vinny Barbarino. For Christ sake, did you think they wanted this tragedy to befall them? What I really, really think is exceedingly unforgivable is that the poor kid has to spend all of eternity in Ocala.
That's messed up.