Wednesday, February 6, 2008

No Country for Old Men

"you got to hidey-hide, you've got to jump up run away, you got to hidey-hidey hide, the old man is down the road"

They seem amicable enough, intelligent, bland. I have nothing against them although I wish Ron Paul was in this thing. Any of them would be better than W, although a plate of tripe could run the country better. Not saying that the current administration wasn't without it's successes. None of them affected you or me, the gang at Haliburton and Exxon-Mobil have had raging hard-ons for years now. Yes Exxon-Mogul has had some hard times in the past but they are sure bursting now with record PROFITS. My understanding of the situation might be naive but isn't the price of fuel which is helping the nation slump into a recession a little suspect. The price of crude is at record highs, yet the gas companies are making money the likes of which they've never seen.
McCain, who will get the nod and choose Huckabee as his running mate (Huckabee's only in it now to draw votes away from Romney as Mac and Huck are buds) appears as if it could
be a rerun of W's failed economic and foreign policies. He seems to groove on these wars (yes there are two) and they would continue.
I know this post is obvious and unfunny, but I feel a little obvious and unfunny.

Poly Sci 101

"i am a lonely visitor though I came too late to cause a stir, I campaign all my life towards that goal, where even Richard Nixon has got soul"
Rainy days and Super Tuesdays always get me down. Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter have been getting up in the grills of moderate republicans by saying they will support Hillary because John McCain is not fascist enough. I guess Hill has the right amount of facism for them. I never thought I would say this but I've never hoped so much for them to get what they wan't. Before this the only thing I admired them for was her propensity for being a hypocritical bitch and him for his unending supply of Oxycontin. Watch, when McCain gets the party nod, these two scumbags will revert back to their GOP mandate, especially with a slit for Pres. and a smoke for VP. Anne Coulter, being a man, does not cotton to womans rights. Rush Limbaugh eats an African-American once a week after marinating in garlic, olive oil and white wine. The complete recipe can be found on his website.

Yogi Pair

"you'll get yours yet, however big you think you are, however big you think you are, Sexie Sadie you'll get yours yet"

George Harrison was reunited with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in heaven yesterday. John Lennon could not attend for he is busy fucking Brian Epstien in hell. Lennon reportedly is eagerly awaiting Sir Pauls' arrival as he is booked for eternal damnation in 2018. Richard Starky through a spokesman stated "I'm still alive". I am drinking an India Pale Ale in his Holinesses honor.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Duper

"cheaters never profit and prophets never win"
It's been a few days since the Super Bowl. Congrats Giants from an Eagles fan. I hope Bill Belichicks' cut-off hoodie sleeves become re-animated and choke him in his sleep.

Show Me the Money

"well you must tell me baby,how does your head feel under something like that, your new leopard skin pill-box hat"

I'm going to try to sell some of my autographed sports memoribilia to a new baseball card shop that opened up around the corner a few weeks ago. I stopped in on Saturday and showed him a few 8x10s and he asked if I could come back during the week (no coin, I guess). Having sold the lions share of my collection, he was impressed with the shitty crumbs I couldn't sell to bigger dealers. All in your perspective it seems, he dosn't have anything in that store, how is he going to pay the rent selling wax packs? Autographs consisted of a couple of Ryan Howard sigs on PAPER! Know wonder he's impressed with O.J. Simpson. Good friggin' luck selling that one in Narberth.

Super Tuesday. My diatribe on that later...

Monday, February 4, 2008

My Middle Finger

"but your still fuckin' peasants as far as I can see, a working class hero is somthing to be"

I have had a gouty flareup on my left middle finger for about a week does it freakin' hurt. I can't bend it and it makes doing anything painful (including typing). At least it's my left hand. I'm new with this blogging nonsense and I checked to see who else lists "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe"(only 32 people do) as a favorite movie and I found a womans' blog that in excruciating detail lists her breakfast, lunch and dinner menus. WTF. You've got to be kidding. Who could give a rats ass what this fat ass eats 24/7. I can see her friends checking on her diet, "Did you eat the blueberry nutri-bars with an apple for breakfast on Tuesday?" People won't give a fuck about my blog either, but at least it should be entertaining. Chrissakes, I may have to take that movie off my favorites.

Welcome to My Nightmare

"wheres the playground Suzie, you're the one who's supposed to know the way around?"

This Page will be ruminations from an angry middle aged fuck up. No kittens and lollipops here, no unicorns and cute babies. If you like that shit please die before you exit my page. Republicans can read my page only if their drunk, stoned or both. I'm full of rage at President Cheney so some of my brain manure will be about that. I will report if I've been drinking, which is often (now for example). I will talk about my interests and my narcissm will be on display. This blog will be cathartic as I spew venom from my soapbox.
On the bright side this blog will not be all negative. I will give credit where credit is due. If I'm in a good mood maybe I won't bitch. Brian Williams is on. Gotta go.