Monday, February 4, 2008

My Middle Finger

"but your still fuckin' peasants as far as I can see, a working class hero is somthing to be"

I have had a gouty flareup on my left middle finger for about a week does it freakin' hurt. I can't bend it and it makes doing anything painful (including typing). At least it's my left hand. I'm new with this blogging nonsense and I checked to see who else lists "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe"(only 32 people do) as a favorite movie and I found a womans' blog that in excruciating detail lists her breakfast, lunch and dinner menus. WTF. You've got to be kidding. Who could give a rats ass what this fat ass eats 24/7. I can see her friends checking on her diet, "Did you eat the blueberry nutri-bars with an apple for breakfast on Tuesday?" People won't give a fuck about my blog either, but at least it should be entertaining. Chrissakes, I may have to take that movie off my favorites.

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