Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hairstyles and Attitudes

"but I didn't and I wonder why, I feel like letting my freak flag fly, cause I feel like I owe it to someone"
The lyrics in the post below are from the musical "Hair". I pulled out my copy (bought in '71, man does that make me feel old) and played it to get the exact words. I love rediscovering an old album that I'm familiar with. The songs will get wedged in my noggin for a week then will go away and I'll just go back to listening to the static in my head. The tracks are great with standards coming from the stage production such as "Aquarius"," Where Do I Go", "Easy to Be Hard", "Good Morning Starshine" and others. I also discovered it's the 40th anniversary of it's Broadway debut in a couple of days. Sure it's dated but so are Gregorian chants and people still listen to that crap. "Hair" is more listenable.

I know that it's created by The Establishment as their version of flower power, but The Man has had their grubby hands in every movement to mainstream it, then kill it. Besides, because of my tender age the youth movement of the 60's was more the Monkees and the Bananna Splits than Jerry Rubin. The revolution was televised, it became fashion, Madison Avenue sold it, that's why Abbie Hoffman killed himself.

Now tell these people to take a bath, get a haircut, put on a suit and find a job. Fuckin' hippies.

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