Thursday, April 24, 2008

Libations and Medications Official 2008 Presidential Endorsement-Barack Hussein Obama

"President of the United States of love, said President of the United states of love, shit, if you ask him to dinner your going to feed him watermelon, harmony grits and shortnin' bread"
I, Vicodin Beer Breath announce for the first time on the web my choice for Prime Minister, Mr.
Barack Hussein Obama. The Right Wing (and they keep proving Hillary right about the conspiracy) has painted Mr. Obama as a Muslim, coke snorting, racist, hatemonger that will destroy the country. Maybe thats true. But it's certainly better than the current Commander who is a Christian, coke snorting, racist, hatemonger that nearly destoyed the country. I like his middle name. Now there was a man who knew how to run a country in the most volatile region in the world. We can't run it. Obama's name and race throws fear into phony flag waving patriots. They say he's inexperienced but with all of the seasoned pros in the White House fucking up the nation that's not a bad thing. Besides, he would appoint Washington insiders that in time will do the patriotic thing and become fuck ups.
I have heard him speak twice and shook his hand. He didn't make eye contact. I like that. That's a quality in someone I can trust. He's a magnetic speaker, doesn't say much of anything and the crowd swoons. He's a rock star, throngs of young adults throw themselves at his feet. A perfect candidate for the American Idol generation. I like that also. I also like that he was quoted by AP as saying "Of course every billy-bob and piney is fuckin' bitter about livin' in a motherfuckin' podunk in the middle of God-forsaken knowhere. If I didn't live in Chicago I would believe in Jesus, quote Him endlessly to the point of earbleeds, stumble stone drunk out of Backwater Baptist Church on Sunday morning packing my jammie, unload a round into some tin cans on a fence, or a opossum, or my best friend Skeeter, then go fuck some sheep. Isn't that what you fuckin' crackers do for laughs? Go fuck yourselves, I don't need your vote you bunch of backwoods inbreds." He eloquently restated his position on "Hardball" and "Face the Nation". I like that too.
It's time to empty out the Newports from Laura's Presidential Seal ashtrays and make room for Barack's Marlboro Lights. So here's to all the candidates I've supported before, from John Anderson to Tits and Fritz, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry, Mr. Obama your our great white hope.

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