Children, lets gather round to hear Libations and Medications, "The Tale of Two Ford Mavericks". One was an old Maverick from Arizona. Arizona is very hot. He spent too much time in the hot sun and his paint job was peeling. There is a big race every four years. This Maverick wanted to win the big race very, very much. Sometimes this made the Maverick very mad and he would blow a head gasket. The old Ford needed another Maverick to run the race with him. Who could he choose? I know, lets have a newer model Maverick from Alaska race with us! Alaska is very cold. The cold caused this Maverick's engine to sputter when asked important questions. The old Maverick didn't seem to mind. The newer Maverick was outfitted with shiny new accessories for the big race. In the big race the Mavericks were racing against a brand new shiny black Pontiac. Many people wanted the Pontiac to win. The Mavericks did not! This caused the Mavericks to continually run off the race track and blow smoke from their exhausts. The Pontiac always stayed on the race track. The Pontiac won the big race! In the end the newer Maverick said she wanted to try to win the big race against the Pontiac in another four years. The old Maverick was towed to a scrapyard where he spent the rest of his days.
The End.