Thursday, November 6, 2008
"The Tale of Two Ford Mavericks"
Children, lets gather round to hear Libations and Medications, "The Tale of Two Ford Mavericks". One was an old Maverick from Arizona. Arizona is very hot. He spent too much time in the hot sun and his paint job was peeling. There is a big race every four years. This Maverick wanted to win the big race very, very much. Sometimes this made the Maverick very mad and he would blow a head gasket. The old Ford needed another Maverick to run the race with him. Who could he choose? I know, lets have a newer model Maverick from Alaska race with us! Alaska is very cold. The cold caused this Maverick's engine to sputter when asked important questions. The old Maverick didn't seem to mind. The newer Maverick was outfitted with shiny new accessories for the big race. In the big race the Mavericks were racing against a brand new shiny black Pontiac. Many people wanted the Pontiac to win. The Mavericks did not! This caused the Mavericks to continually run off the race track and blow smoke from their exhausts. The Pontiac always stayed on the race track. The Pontiac won the big race! In the end the newer Maverick said she wanted to try to win the big race against the Pontiac in another four years. The old Maverick was towed to a scrapyard where he spent the rest of his days.
The End.
Friday, October 17, 2008
God Only Knows
"the only one that could ever reach me was the son of a preacher man"
Through my exhaustive investigative research, I have uncovered a video that will be leaked by the McCain camp just days before the election, a rare look into the ministry of the Reverend Jeramiah Wright.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Simpsons
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Seven Words You Can Say on Pay Television 1
I know George Carlin didn't support any political wonks and didn't believe in our political system. I just think this video is a poignant matching of images to Mr. Carlin's words. This was assembled by a Ron Paul supporter without Carlin's consent.
Seven Words You Can Say on Pay Television 2
You could add George Carlin to this Badly Drawn Boy lyric. It's a shame that on the network eulogies "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television" was regarded as his claim to fame. Sure, the bit was funny and infamous, but Carlin was so much more than that. As he aged his wit became sharper. For the last 5 years his routines weren't even that funny anymore. They were just biting, scathing attacks on society aimed with pinpoint accuracy. Late in his career audiences didn't go to laugh, they went to hear a wise man pontificate truths as to why your life is so fucked up. He was more philosophical than Bertrand Russell, more cosmic than Lenny Bruce and funnier than Richard Pryor. Lewis Black, you have big shoes to fill.
A friend of mine, Bob, worked as a chauffeur years ago and had driven George Carlin to a book signing. He was thrilled to report that he was very courteous, friendly, conversant and had referred to Bob often by using his first name. After arriving he thanked Bob for the conversation and without request, pulled out a book and wrote a personal notation, signed it and handed it to him.
By all accounts the man was genuine.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Big Love
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Hairstyles and Attitudes
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Libations and Medications Official 2008 Presidential Endorsement-Barack Hussein Obama
Over the Hill
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The Truth is Out There
I'm back. Lots to say, lots to do. I was surfing when I caught this vid and it rekindled my interest in conspiracy theories. I can't really say with credence what happened at the Pentagon, the WTC or WTC 7. But I can say that something stinks in Shanksville.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
No Country for Old Men
They seem amicable enough, intelligent, bland. I have nothing against them although I wish Ron Paul was in this thing. Any of them would be better than W, although a plate of tripe could run the country better. Not saying that the current administration wasn't without it's successes. None of them affected you or me, the gang at Haliburton and Exxon-Mobil have had raging hard-ons for years now. Yes Exxon-Mogul has had some hard times in the past but they are sure bursting now with record PROFITS. My understanding of the situation might be naive but isn't the price of fuel which is helping the nation slump into a recession a little suspect. The price of crude is at record highs, yet the gas companies are making money the likes of which they've never seen.
McCain, who will get the nod and choose Huckabee as his running mate (Huckabee's only in it now to draw votes away from Romney as Mac and Huck are buds) appears as if it could
be a rerun of W's failed economic and foreign policies. He seems to groove on these wars (yes there are two) and they would continue.
I know this post is obvious and unfunny, but I feel a little obvious and unfunny.
Poly Sci 101
Yogi Pair
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Super Duper
Show Me the Money
I'm going to try to sell some of my autographed sports memoribilia to a new baseball card shop that opened up around the corner a few weeks ago. I stopped in on Saturday and showed him a few 8x10s and he asked if I could come back during the week (no coin, I guess). Having sold the lions share of my collection, he was impressed with the shitty crumbs I couldn't sell to bigger dealers. All in your perspective it seems, he dosn't have anything in that store, how is he going to pay the rent selling wax packs? Autographs consisted of a couple of Ryan Howard sigs on PAPER! Know wonder he's impressed with O.J. Simpson. Good friggin' luck selling that one in Narberth.
Super Tuesday. My diatribe on that later...
Monday, February 4, 2008
My Middle Finger
Welcome to My Nightmare
On the bright side this blog will not be all negative. I will give credit where credit is due. If I'm in a good mood maybe I won't bitch. Brian Williams is on. Gotta go.